Sunday, March 2, 2014


March 2012

This month we will focus on weather, rainbows, butterflies, ladybugs, and St. Patrick’s Day.  We will plant some seeds, make several different crafts about rainbows, and get ready for our butterfly unit that we will start after spring break.
This month we will focus on sequencing.  We will talk about the beginning, middle, and end of a story.  Also we will talk about conflict and conflict resolution (what was the problem and how was it solved).   Happy Reading!


-          We will continue our time unit. 
-          We are still practicing counting by 10. 


  Every Friday we have a science experiment and record our results in our science journals.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine Party
We had a fun Valentine Party!  We played games, decorated Valentine boxes, and distributed Valentine cards.  
We’ve been focusing on the parts of a story.  Good questions to ask when you read with your child are:
-          Who was in the story?
-          Where did the story take place?
-          What was the problem in the story?
-          How was the problem solved?
-          How did the character feel at the beginning/end of the story?
It’s also a good idea to ask your child what he/she predicts will happen in the story before you read.  Then check afterward to see if their prediction came true.  Happy Reading!

-          This month we learned about "greater than" and "Less than".  We will continue with simple subtraction and will start our money and time unit.
-          We are still practicing counting by tens.  

-          We are going on a Field Trip to a dentist office